Christine is a transformational expert! She uses a combination of modalities that somehow rewrite your subconscious programs and she provides tools that charge up the changes. I am in awe of her strength and commitment. Like she says and from my experience, this work works! My life has been transformed and has a flow I can only say you must experience.
Cheers to your journey. EB - Los Angeles, California There are so many things that I want to say about Christine, I don't know where to begin! This woman shot an arrow through my heart, burrowed a hole right through the darkest parts of my sorrow and beamed a light through me so bright, I could swear it was all a dream. I could tell you that in the six months that I have known her I have met the love of my life, found a great job, and lost twenty pounds but these details are just the icing on the cake. To believe that everything I ever wanted is possible, to understand, weave, grow, change my world as I want it to be, to know that I am the maker, the creator, the authority of my life, that I am the extraordinary, the happy, the powerful, the doer, the choser, the manifest, has been a blessing in the truest sense of the word. I cannot say enough about the intuition, intelligence, kindness, love, positive energy and magic Christine has graced unto my life. If you are reading this, if you were, by some divine gift, guided in her direction, I need not tell you another word because you already know in the deep recesses of your soul that this woman is going to help you change your life. Do it! Do it! Do it! The moment you hear her voice, the moment you open your mind to her guidance, you'll recognize yourself again and become the person you always wanted to be.
-Z Christine has been such a blessing in my life. She has helped me in ways I could not imagine. Her kind heart and amazing energy has graced my life by inspiring me to make my dreams come true!! Through her grace and incredible energy she has encouraged me to be aware of the gifts that life has to offer. Her trust in divine timing magically made my fears disappear. She is an enchanted woman and I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for her passion!
-Dana I absolutely love your energy transformation program. Your dedication, commitment and belief inspires me. You live it. Over the last 9 months I have experienced results that are authentically profound and real making it obvious and clear to me when I am unreal and not true to myself. You and your method have been a gift and a blessing passed on to me. I celebrate my growth, hope and freedom as we continue our work together and I pass iton with confidence. Thank You for truly enlightening my life.
Sincerely Nicole V. I was introduced to this Belief Change process through a friend, who was introduced to it through his sharing an awesome secret. I have since shared with those willing to listen. I was amazed after only a few sessions how things in my life began to take shape. I have seen how many beliefs are engrained in our minds and everyday actions, without us even realizing it. If you're ready to unlock your mind and realize your full potential bestowed upon you, go to one session and you'll see....
-Francisco Trying to describe Christine is like trying to describe heaven. She's awe-inspiring, amazing and makes you see and feel things you could never imagine. Christine is my angel. I am so thankful that she came into my life and every time I ask her where she came from, she says I manifested her. That is what she does. She lets you understand that you, and solely you, are responsible for manifesting all the wonderful things that you want for your life. Before working with her, I was stuck working a job I hated, feeling unfulfilled, frustrated, angry, grumpy, negative and hopeless.The 180 that my life has taken didn't only surprise me because it happened, it surprised me that it happened so easily and naturally.I made bold leaps and took risks, ones that I had only dreamed of doing. She assured me that if I jumped, the net would appear. And, boy, did it! I live now moment to moment, in sheer exhilaration and excitement, exactly the life I knew I should be living.In my career, I have to be bold and be comfortable in my skin. We worked on creating a fulfilling life, one that allows for creativity, collaboration and strong connections. The results were huge and immediate. Things just fell into my lap!She always ends our sessions asking if I wish to accept, receive and retain all the changes we've made. My answer is always a resounding yes, more like "Hell, Yeah!!" And then she repeats my confirmation; "I choose to accept, receive and retain these changes with complete and immediate integration, with grace and ease."
I wish for any one looking to make changes in their life, looking to change their beliefs, to know how simple and attainable it really is. And, of course, it is always done with grace and ease. Thank you, Christine, for coming in to my life. Thank you for letting me see that everything I want is out there for me to have. All my love, Nicole H Dear Christine,
When I first came to you, I had no idea the journey I was embarking on would be this incredible. Our journey began when I was struggling to end an abusive marriage and bring peace to my mind and heart. During that time we worked on many beliefs that were no longer serving me. I was closed off to the idea of marrying again even feeling like how could anyone love me or want to marry me. When we cleared on these beliefs it felt like a weight had been lifted off and my future was open to all good entering my life. I had a few "test-dummy" relationships and I learned from each of them more about myself and what I truly desired in a partner. I embraced my past and became grateful to those relationships, because it brought me to where I am today. I was living in a nightmare. I didn't like myself and I did not know what it felt like to be truly loved. That seems so long ago now. So much of those beliefs seem like they belong to someone else. It feels amazing to love and enjoy being me. I am living the life I've dreamed of. I am now married to the most incredible man. I swear we manifested him out of thin air! Thank you for your journey into this healing process and for being willing to be used as the conduit for this work to be done. You have acted as my earthly guide always encouraging me, believing in me, and sometimes even holding my hand as I take the next leap forward. I love you dearly. Trust the process! Jamie Lynn It's difficult to express the amount of positive power,strength and light Christine has helped me access. I honestly did not know how it was possible. I've been on a lifelong search. Thank God I didn't give up, as I wanted to many times or I would have never found her. I've had such dark moments in recent years and Christine (and this process) is the reason I have turned it around. I'm so happy and excited to keep working on the goals I have always had and almost lost complete sight of. Phew! I have SO much gratitude.
Thank you Christine. I'm forever changed. - Celeste During my session my experience was good, and easy! The things you need work on are easy to change. I had cold sores all my life and after that one session they are GONE EVER SINCE! So if you need to change something go to Christine She is great!
Reed 15 I AM the most skeptical person I know! Too skeptical to ever read one of these. How do u know who wrote this???? Well I'm a CHANGED man! I used to think in my mind that "this is going to be my last birthday or Halloween…ECT... I was hopeless. I lost my mom, dad, brother, gparents, and my dog. I was mad at the world. Looking for trouble in the worst way!! When I fly and in planes hit bumpy skies, I wouldn't get scared to die, I was ready to meet my family again!!! When I heard the happy birthday song, no matter where I was I would fight back tears... So many things you take for granted, I couldn't do?I had a real near death experience and Christine heard about it, she reached out her hand? I had no dreams for the future. Now 180 degrees of change! The world is MINE! I have changed my thinking, my living,,,, my everything!!! Christine is a gift from the universe. I make plans, I'm engaged,, I'm ready to hit the road touring again and hey check this out,,, "happy birthday to you"…..Happy living for everyone!! Try it three times; if it worked for me, I know it will work for you! Whoever you are. I even fought it the first couple of times, still worked. Something's are bigger than you. Don't think! Surrender for an hour, what do you have to lose? You have everything to gain!!!! I got my soul back am filled with all my missing dreams, with interest!!!!
I had headaches all my life, not a headache in about 5 months after seeing Christine, love you girl
-Veronica My session illuminated a lot of things that I unconsciously buried down. It helped me to take action on my current problems. And put me at ease, assuring myself of what I needed to do. It really changed my outlook on everything I was facing at the time. It really truly helped me!
Nico- 16 (California) Christine says to me "This is CLARITY not Therapy,"
I AM unlocking my mind by addressing limiting life patterns. The patterns that have been obstacles in business, finances, creativity, health, and most of all true love. In just the last 3 months, I have started my own corporate chair massage business, decided and taken action to HAVE THE BEST OF BOTH worlds by living here in Las Vegas and moving to the San Diego area. Making very specific and guided life changes to to this in a healthy, supported, creative, and abundant way. My heart beating with passion, my body jumping for joy, and my mind "unlocked" for the infinite and limitless possibilities. I AM creating the life I dreamed full of creativity, abundance, health, and love unbounded. I am changed forever. -Arlene As we say in Oklahoma, I "appreciate" this lady she has been a conduit or more appropriately a key in unlocking parts of my mind and enabling a confirmation of myself and my space in the Creators Universe, and for being that key carries an awesome responsibility and trust, I trust and recommend Christine to anyone willing to unlock and open their Minds to the Beauty and Light that Is.
Sincerely. Rodger B. Smith......A man living in Oklahoma............... |